Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Week

She got in an argument with a skunk...the skunk won.  Doesn't she look sad?  She was even more sad when she realized she had to stay outside until we could find some kind of remedy to rid her of STINK.

The thing that every parent dreads paid a visit to our house.  The Stomach Bug.  Y'all I despise it more than anything..even more than my HP Photosmart Premium Printer...and I really despise that.  Ryder took fall first.  I Lysol'd everything.  I sanitized sheets and clothes and car-seats (since it of course reared its ugly head while in the car).  I still got it.  If there is anything worse than your kids having a stomach bug, its their parent's having it.  I felt so bad for the boys on Wednesday and  Thursday.  I was here, but I wasn't.  They were essentially on their own to eat as many Oreo's out of the pantry as they could and swig down every last Sprite out of the fridge until I finally became human again late in the day.  Needless to say, we spent a lot of time in the Laundry Room washing out clothes and sheets.  When does it transition from being "cute" to "inappropriate" to stand around on a step stool wearing Tighty-Whities?  You might say now and I apologize for offending anyone..but I think he's pretty cute!

In the midst of it all, I managed to make these little jars for Ryder to give to his Preschool Teacher as a Back to School gift.  I had seen the idea done with Andes Mints on Brown Paper Packages.  Instead of using the mints I made a Peppermint Sugar Scrub.  It feels so good on your hands and is so simple and easy to make.

Here's the basic recipe:  Place 1 Cup of Sugar in a Mixing Bowl.  Add enough Olive Oil until it is "pasty" but still has a granular texture.  Add some Peppermint Essential Oil (you can find it at places like Whole Foods) and you are done!

Wal-mart sells little 8 oz. Ball Jars in a 4-pack for $3.98.  Less than $1.00 a jar, woohoo!!!  Perfectly sized for little gifts like this. I filled them with the scrub and added a tag like Brown Paper Packages did. So simple!

We also mailed out some invitations this week.  R&R are having a joint party this year.  My Mom thinks this is terrible.  I was lectured on the fact that her grandsons each have their own Birthday.  I was also informed, that she would have NEVER done this to my sister and I, who share the same Birthday month.  My's either One Party or No Party.  September is crazy this year and there physically is not two free weekends to host separate parties.  Plus, we're taking the boys to Disney World (thank goodness we'll have grandparents with us)...I think they'll be fine. ;)

Need some easy Return Address Labels?  I found these blank labels at Michael's, in the spring, when Em was getting married.  We stuck them on Favor Bags for the wedding.  I had a few left over and thought they would make cute "Return Address" labels. I'm gonna go get more...I used them all up once I realized they fit perfectly on top of the sugar scrub jars, too!  You can download templates that make them super easy to print on.  If you don't own a "Cutting Machine" these are an awesome alternative :)

Hope your weekend is full of wonderful!


  1. Oh Joy I am having a moment of silence right now for you. You know how I hate the stomach bug, aka Satan's sickness. So glad y'all pulled out of it okay!! Super cute projects!

  2. I can't believe you were so crafty amidst the evil bug. So sorry you guys were down with it... maybe now you can say you got it out of the way so nothing hits after school starts?!
