Monday, September 12, 2011

Splendorific Soiree

My older sister threw a Splendorific Soiree (after being educated on all things Fancy Nancy I can translate this word to mean "Party") on Saturday for my niece's 4th Birthday.  Seriously.  It was over. the. top. Amazing!  All of the girls (and Ryder) had such a good time.  There was fancy food, fancy punch, necklace making, finger painting, lipstick wearing good times to be had.   Absolutely no way I could have pulled something this fancy off!  Can't wait to see her wedding one day ;) 


Fancier x2

Yummy to the Tummy Cupcakes

Tu-tu Party Favors.  Ahem.  Really?  Yes.

Bead Central.  I was mistaken for a professional photographer.  I mean surely if you throw a party this fancy, you hire a photographer too!  Ha!
Birthday Girl!  Miss Anna.  Exactly 2 weeks older than her Cousin Ryder!

My little bear was the only boy.  He broke my heart when I found him here.  All by his lonesome.  He didn't seem to care.  He had Popcorn and PB&J.  Those both make this boy happy.

Silly Girl!

She invited him to sit with her.  My heart is fixed.  :)

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