Saturday, November 26, 2011

This and That

Early Thanksgiving morning, we had a sick 2-year old and didn't realize it.  He claimed there were shoes dancing around his room during the night.  He was terrified. We sat in his dark room and asked him to show us the shoes...he'd say "Right There!" while pointing into the air.   We thought it was a bad dream.  Fever does scary things to this kiddo.

104 degrees of temperature and two Doctor visits later...we finally got the strep verdict.  He can't even swallow food.  My heart breaks for him.

His sick little self kept us from getting out in the middle of the night for Black Friday bargains.  From some of the stories I've heard this year...that may have been for the best.   I did get a few gifts picked up with my Mom and Sisters during normal people shopping hours on Friday.

For now both boys are sleeping, Matt is playing video games and I'm very tired...but Thankful for the week we had with family, good food, a warm house,the glow of the Christmas Tree,  leftovers and antibiotics. 

Tis' the Season...we are truly entering the most wonderful time of the year!

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