Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Too Lazy for a Recipe

I usually try and post some kind of recipe on Tuesday, but no real baking went on in this house today.  Instead we recovered from yesterday's festivities.
Here was our crew as we headed out last night.  These cute kids standing around R&R are their cousins.  You've seen them on here before, but as a refresher...Matt's sister, Mindy, is their Mama.  Syd and Madison are twins and in the first grade.  Matthew is their big brother who hangs out on the third grade hall this year.  Matthew was awesome with Rustin last night.  He held his hand the entire night. So thankful they let us come trick or treat with them in our old neighborhood last night.  The houses in our neighborhood are spread just a little too far apart for Rustin's short legs.

We slept a little later than usual this morning and had a truly lazy day.  I cherished it because these days are few and far between.

Instead of staying inside...we hung out back with these two old ladies.  Hard to believe they are over 11 years old.  We got them right after we were married.  Autumn and Blue.  The boys call her Aubum.  I love her.  She doesn't feel very good these days and you can see it her eyes.  There will be a strange sense of emptiness when she's gone, so we soak up all we can get from her while she's still here.  Blue just lays around.  That's the kind of girl she has always been...really the best dog you could ever ask for.
We blew a few bubbles.  Love this little trinket.  My boys have trouble blowing bubbles through a bubble wand.  This changed the way we blow bubbles forever...you blow it like a horn.  Awesome.  It was on clearance for .25 cents at Target during the summer. 
Buzz Lightyear told us a few secrets.  Have I ever told you that he loves Buzz Lightyear?  I think I have ;)
We had a "little accident".  That's his favorite phrase right now.  I'm pretty sure he thinks we won't get upset as long as it is a "little accident".
It was a perfect day to get all of his cars washed.  They are spotless now.
We had an impromptu dinner outside this evening.

Topped dinner off with a few Popsicles and an ice cream cone.  Just the cone...no ice cream.

And what day after Halloween would be complete without the Target Christmas Toy catalog coming in the mail? 

Welcome to November y'all...hope it is full of wonderful blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I totally just read the Target Christmas catalog lol
