Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

Wow.  Its been a week since I posted anything.  How does that happen?  Never the less...its already Tuesday again and I haven't cooked a thing today.  I did put together a little "Pie Basket" that holds all of the ingredients you need to make a Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving next week..except for the eggs (but there is a gift card which will take care of the eggs).  It looks something like this...
I am donating this one to a bake sale my PTA group is hosting at our next meeting.  I thought I would share, because it could be a useful gift to give to a friend/neighbor/teacher/hairdresser this time of year.  All of the ingredients fit nicely into a Pie Plate.  This Paula Deen line is available at Wal-Mart.  I feel the need to tell you that because I love the plate, not because I love the store.  I am in no means promoting Wal-Mart  ;)

And so that I don't leave Ryder out of this post...here he is. 

Yes.  That is a Christmas Tree and No this picture isn't from last year.  I am one of Thanksgiving's biggest fans.  I feel like it has lost its place.  The stores go from Halloween straight to Christmas...BUT...we had to buy a new Tree this year.  We snagged one at Costco last weekend because there were only a few left.  We didn't see the need to stow it away with Thanksgiving only a week away.  Yep...its up... and its decorated ...and he was in absolute amazement after his nap.

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