Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Phone Pics

We went to the Zoo last week on one of our fabulously warm weather February days.  Tank Top and Flip-flops were in order.  It was gorgeous and the animals were out and basking in the sun!  So Thankful for days like this and for great friends who hung out with us all day!



 ...and Bears, Oh my!

 Ryder with his Girls.  They are all in Preschool together.

 Rustin and the Penguins.

 Doing a little Goat Grooming.

 Rode a few Alligators (or Crocodiles...I'm not sure I know the difference).

 Pushed a few Buttons.

Dug in the Sand.
 Called the Cheetahs.  

 Rode the Train.

 And Finally...talked to the Baby Monkey.

She LOVED Rustin and he thought she was "Sooooo Cute!  Look at her, Mommy!".

1 comment:

  1. Is that the Dallas zoo? We went there on New Years eve eve and loved it. We had beautiful weather, too.

    I also love your Lent list. If Mormons observed Lent, I'd have a hard time figuring out which one of my vices to give up. Diet Coke would never happen...maybe I could give up FB. I admire your dedication. And I totally agree how awesome it is to hear little kiddos express their understanding about God. Makes me smile :)
