Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break

Spring Break left me hungry for Summer.  Long days with no plans.  Not having to be anywhere at a particular time.  Not having to schedule naps around pick-up time.  Picnics in the backyard.  Trips to my parent's house.  Late evenings when getting to bed on time isn't as important.  Cousins, swimming, the Rangers, watering the flowers, juicy watermelon and mouthwatering snow cones.  Oh summer...I anxiously await you just the same as I did 20 years ago!

For now I'll cherish Spring and all of the signs of new life it brings.  The boys and their cousin Anna spent a day with my Mom and Dad (Gran and Granddaddy) working in their garden last week.  We saw the Lorax in 3-D...cute movie and a great message.  We spent a day with the boy's cousins, Colby and Keelie, and ended the week with family on a patio sipping Margaritas at a Mexican restaurant.  Life is very good here at Ft. Smith!

1 comment:

  1. Love how you make it sound so whimsical! I loved the lazy days, but my boys drove me nuts wanting to have 'plans' every minute of every day!!! boys are but I love 'em!!! Love the collage ;))
