Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Rangers

 We love us some Texas Rangers.  We were lucky enough to get tickets to a Saturday afternoon game last week from a good friend.   It was the boys first game and an awesome way to spend Mother's Day weekend.

For me...the best part about going to the  Ballpark is not the game itself.  It's the the food.  I could literally eat an entire order of nachos, two hot dogs and baseball helmet full of ice cream...before the 3rd Inning.  I love it that much.  
 Rustin was in love.  Give that boy a bag of popcorn and he is golden. He cheered when the players took the field and chanted "Lets Go Rangers!" as they fielded the ball.   He never took his "Texas Rangers" hat off. Never budged from his seat and never took his eyes off of the action.

  Ryder on the other our Ryder.  He thought it was a little bit too loud, and asked if the game was over...before the National Anthem had been sung.  I love him so much though...its moments like that when I realize God made him just for us.  He's not your average 4-3/4 year old.  He is curious, busy, outgoing, sensitive, rule following, temper flaring, apologetic for no reason, spontaneous, courageous and timid...all wrapped into one.  He survived the loud noises, all of the cheering and resisted the need to get up and run around.  Here are few pictures from our trip courtesy of my handy-dandy phone!

Mother's Day Weekend 2012. 

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