Monday, June 11, 2012

Baseball, Family & God Bless America

Our whole Smith family made it out to see the Ft. Worth Cats last night.  The Cats are a minor league team here in North Texas. We had the honor of watching our oldest nephew, Colby, sing the National Anthem.   Colby made an encore performance of God Bless America during the 7th Inning Stretch.  It was a picture perfect evening of baseball and family...I truly love summer.
The National Anthem

Ft. Worth Cats at LaGrave Field

The First Pitch!
Miss Syd!
This boy LOVES Popcorn!
Colby and his Mom...Matt's sister Kristie right after he sang.  We were all so proud!
God Bless America with Dodger during the 7th Inning Stretch
Cousin Love
Madison Leigh
Ryder was more interested in talking us into buying him a Sno-Cone than watching the game...he got the Sno-Cone.  After he ate a Hot Dog.  He told me today that the Hot Dog was good, but he doesn't ever want to eat one again...EVER.  (It looked a little questionable so I don't blame him.  It was our mean parent what extremes would he go to get that prize)
Great Job, Colby!

My SIL, Min!
You did AWESOME, Colby! We are so proud of you and had lots of fun last night!

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