Monday, October 10, 2011

Do you ever?

Do you ever sit in your living room at 3:30 a.m with your laptop and read through your old blog posts?  Probably not....unless you have a newborn in your house...which I don't.

Early Sunday morning, I was wide awake in some crazy, allergy induced state. I'm a violent sneezer. I can't sneeze softly.  I've always been envious of people who can...its just not in me.  I moved to the living room so the sneezing didn't throw Matt out of bed. It was pouring down rain outside and the sound of the water hitting the chimney was strangely calming.  I jumped onto my news-feed to do some catch-up reading on all of the Blogs I love, but don't seem to have the extra time it takes to read them all.  Y'all know I love Pinterest, but I feel like it takes away from actually reading Blogs.  A friend reminded me that it takes me to some new Blogs that I had never ventured to before...but  rarely do I subscribe to this new find or continue reading.  I just pin a particular idea and I'm done.

Anyway, I jumped on here to catch up....but instead found myself nostalgically reading about the little happenings in my life way back in 2008.  My 4-year old was a baby and the struggles I mention about raising this new member of our family, don't seem like much to stress over now.  Two kids make one a piece of cake and I imagine those of you with three kids scoff at my struggles with just two.

I sometimes wish life would just slow down.  Reading back to 2008 seems like yesterday...and yet so long ago.   I've started to try and stay off of the computer when I'm home with the boys.  I want them to remember the things we did together this short time I have them at home...not me on the computer.  I can't always control that.  I still work and sometimes that is hard for Ryder to understand. He is different than Rustin.  He needs to be with people all of the time.  Alone time is not something he cherishes.  He wants us to lay with him at night while he falls asleep.  I'm not going to lie...some nights that is a beating.  I'm exhausted.  I'm ready for both of them to be in bed so that I can watch TV or just do nothing.  As I lay there beside him, I remember that one day he won't want us in his room anymore...much less to lay with him as he falls asleep.  How can I not cherish these moments?

The three boys in my life are absolutely the BEST BLESSING life has to offer.  I am so thankful for this Blog and the opportunity it has given me to document all of our little this little trip to the Ice Cream truck.

It was our first...honestly the Ice Cream Truck creeps me out.  But to a 4 and 2-year old it is all but amazing.  A truck full of ice cream, driving around playing music...the music growing louder means it must be close...and then Ta-da!!!  They see it!  It is the most excitement of their entire day!   It was Friday night...Ryder was riding his bike and Rustin was toddling around on the front porch with us...we told Ryder if he could get the trucks attention they could each get something.  He came through and had the truck pull right up the drive to the front door.  We had two happy boys!

Hope Y'all have an amazing Monday!


  1. Great post Joy! I just always think of that Darius Rucker song "It Won't Be Like This For Long" and just roll with it after that...but yes, I have read old blog posts and laughed.

    I swear Evan and Ryder have got the same personality....we lie down with Ev at night too....and I usually fall asleep right there with him in his twin bed. Too funny!

    Love to the Texas family,

  2. Such a sweet post Joy! And yes, I totally go back over the old blog posts when I can... it's strangely relaxing. It's good to see how the struggles of back then, are not so much now. That reminds me that the ones I have today won't be around before I know it!

    These days are so precious... thanks for the reminder!
