Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tasty Tuesday Candy Corn + Cupcakes = Yuummmmy!

I'm going to try and put up a recipe that uses Candy Corn every week in October!  I love me some candy corn :)  Last night I made a really simple pumpkin cupcake recipe from none other than Pinterest.  I think this was actually a Real Simple Recipe.  Either that or Martha Stewart.  Aren't they kind of the same?  Anyway...to make this all you need is a Yellow Cake Mix, Eggs, Oil, Pumpkin Puree, Cream Cheese, Powdered Sugar AND Candy Corn!

Candy Corn....you either love it or hate it.  I happen to love it.  What I really love is those little pumpkins that they sell right by the candy corn.  They are absolutely amazing.  Never mind though...back to the recipe.

Bake the Cake exactly as directed EXCEPT instead of adding the Water, use 1 Can (15 oz.) of Pumpkin Puree.  I chose to make cupcakes, but I suppose you could make a cake if you wanted.

You may already be very cupcake savvy, but here is a tip....I use an ice cream scoop to put my batter in the lined cupcake pan.  For this recipe, I used two scoops per cupcake. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 Degrees. 

Let them cool and then they are ready to frost.  For the frosting you'll need two cups of sifted powdered sugar and (2) 8-oz. packages of cream cheese (room temperature).  Blend with a hand mixer until smooth.  I used a disposable icing bag and a Big Tip to pipe the icing onto the cupcake.  Garnish each cupcake with a few candy corns!  You're done...Yum in your mouth!

1 comment:

  1. Looks delish... and oh so pretty!!!!!!! You are seriously a Martha Stewart Jr. ;))))))
