Sunday, January 18, 2009


Will you all please pray for my younger sister as she has hit a hard bump in the road of life. I am praying that she finds peace, happiness, love, health and answers during this trying time and that peace and calm will be brought over our entire family. I only want the absolute best for her and I know in my heart that God has a plan, its just not clear what that plan is right now. I am thankful for his blessings, his abundant blessings in my life, and I want his love and blessings to shine in her life, my parent's lives and all those who surround her for support as well....I pray that he heals the loneliness she feels and brings her to an everlasting love....


Misty Rice said...

Oh I hate hearing that. She will be in my prayers. Its just a storm, she will get through it.....

The Sabins said...

When it rains, it pours doesn't it? We'll keep her in ours and you too! Hang in there...