Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Trip

For our 10th Wedding Anniversary we decided to take a "Kid-less" vacation. Just the two of us and our very good friends, the Valles', from Austin. Matt and Chris go all the way back to high school and the high school kid in them comes out when they are together. It is always a good time for the two of them and a good laugh for Nima (Chris's Wife) and I. Meet Chris & Nima!
 Not taking the boys was actually a tough decision on my part. Although I desperately needed a break from the boys and the boys likely needed a break from me, I sometimes start to hyperventilate at the idea of separating from them for extended periods of time. I know. I need help. Needless to say, we planned for this trip and I didn't wimp out at the last minute.

Ryder stayed with his Grandma and Grandpa Smith (or as Ryder says it Yandma and Yandpa Smif) and Rustin stayed with his Gran and Granddaddy (my parents). They both had a fabulous time. Ryder got to play with his cousins, go down the slip and slide, learned the art of hide and seek which he demonstrated for us at dinner Friday evening as he covered his eyes and began counting. It was so cute. He also visited Chuck E. Cheese on a weekday and not for a birthday party. All things he doesn't get to do on a normal week at home!

Rustin spent the week being toted around on his Granddaddy's hip, eating whatever he would open his mouth for, and falling asleep with his Gran in the rocking chair every night. I can't be irritated by all the spoiling they got. That's what grandparents are for.

Back to the vacation though.

 The resort we stayed at was gorgeous. Very, very small. Only 70 rooms. It seemed like a lot of people must have canceled their trip due to the storm because there were maybe 50 people at the resort when we first arrived. This made for pretty much one on one service. You needed something to eat, it was yours. You needed a drink, they all but put one in your hand. And, that is exactly what we did. We ate, we drank, we read books, we laughed, we didn't worry about changing diapers or taking the other to the potty, we didn't fix peanut butter sandwiches or macaroni & cheese. We had an amazing time. 



Amber Connors said...

Congratulations! You're not the only one who would hyperventilate - my baby's 3, and we're only just now planning his first overnight (at his Auntie's, of course). I'm glad you had a great time - looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds amazing! We look forward to our first kid-less trip... an anniversary trip sounds like the perfect idea! The pictures of you guys are fantastic! You look amazing!