Monday, September 3, 2012

Turning 3!

Our little Plus One is turning the big number 3 this week.  On Friday to be exact.  A little piece of trivia: He shares his Birthday with his Daddy.  

We got to baking on a very special cake this weekend.

We tested the batter to make sure it was o.k.  Chocolate and Vanilla were our flavors.  They were picked by the Birthday boy himself.

We put together some of his favorite treats.  We had Scooby Snacks, chocolate covered marshmallows with Scooby dog bones, lots of Skittles (guarded by the Creeper), a Mystery Machine cake and Water to wash it all down.

We invited all of his Cousins to our house and had a little party.

He ate Marshmallows.

He opened presents.

He acted silly.

He was beyond excited to open all things Scooby Doo and said, "Thank You for the Best Birthday Party ever!". 

We love you our little "Plus One"!  I can't believe you will be 3 on seems like only yesterday that you came home with us.  You were so quiet.  You always hung out in the background...taking it all in.  My how you have changed. You must have just been waiting for the perfect moment to make your move to center stage.  You are one outgoing, strong willed, kind-hearted, big brown eyed, backseat singing, loves to dance, talk your ear off kind of boy and we couldn't ask for more!