Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Better late than Never!

Have I ever mentioned that I have an amazing group of neighbors who have become some of my best friends over the years? I do! The girls I play game night with got together and brought us 2-weeks of meals after Rustin was born. My sweet friend Lisa brought us a dish that is worthy of posting here as my recipe of the week:

Poppy Seed Chicken

2-3 chicken breasts (boiled and cut into pieces)

1 16 oz. sour cream (I used Light Sour Cream)

2 can of cream of chicken

2 T of poppy seeds

Ritz crackers

1 stick of butter ( Lisa used Smart Balance when she made it for us...I made this last night and used Country Crock Light)

Mix first 4 ingred. and put into a baking dish. Cover with crushed crackers. Melt Butter and pour on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

I served this poured over biscuits last night!


Misty Rice said...

I am so jealous how you make all your own blog designs. :(