Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Much Better!

Finally, it looks like the little summer stomach bug has worked its way out of Ryder's system! He seems to be back to Old Ryder today. I never thought I'd be so excited to say that he is getting into trouble! Since the middle of last week he hasn't had the energy to cause trouble, but today we were back to breaking plates in the kitchen and making a stair escape any chance we could get!

I also had a true Aggie moment today...ummm...how many Aggies does it take to put up a kids tent?? I bought Ryder this tent a few months back that I thought we'd take with us to the Beach in June. We actually did take the tent, but once we got there I was afraid I'd never be able to get all of the sand out of it and decided against using it. So, since that time it has stayed put away in the closet. For whatever reason, I decided to get it out today. My Mom has made him a little fort out of the Pack-N-Play before and he really liked it. So...I thought he'd probably like playing in the tent just as well. And, he did! Exactly an hour later when I finally got it put together! In my defense (I know there really is no defense, but just pretend with me here...) the directions were not that great. The saddest part of the whole ordeal was that I found that I was explaining myself to a 10 month old as he just sat there staring at me trying to assemble this thing! Embarassing yet I still share with you...anyway ended up being pretty cute once I got it up!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on the painting- we had a blast making birthday surprises for the grandparents! The highchair was GREAT for keeping him contained...otherwise I'm sure it would have turned into body painting! I bought him a pack of those little tank undershirts (size 2T...surprisingly not too huge) and he wears those for messy play! I LOVE the giraffe tent! And I'm SO glad Ryder is better!