For weeks, I have been looking for a good chair for Ryder....I think I mentioned this a few posts back. Over the weekend we even took him out and let him try a few in the store. We decided to hold off on buying and look a little more. Sunday, we remembered that there was a little rocker up in the attic from when I was a kid. My Grandad actually bought it for my older sister when she was Ryder's age. I am not real sure how it ended up in our attic, but I guess that is neither here nor there. We got it down to see if R would sit in it and...He LOVED it! Imagine that...right under our nose the whole time.
Matt also has a little rocker from when he was a kid that is in our attic. It is a little more "Boyish" as Matt describes it, but needs some repairs. He is going to work on it this weekend and we'll see which one he likes better!
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