Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Ryder Post


I had no idea my day would begin by weighing all of these blocks. It was pretty amazing!

Once they were all balanced out it was off to the store! Look at all these yummy was hard to believe that they weren't real and we couldn't actually eat them. Not only was it hard to believe, it was slightly upsetting.

Cha- Ching!! All is good in life again...a grocery belt, a scanner and a computer with HUGE BUTTONS!

What is better than your own grocery store? Your own "Fire Truck". Really its an ambulance, but we won't burst his bubble.

This stuff would look amazing scattered all over the floor.

And seriously, Mom, I could make these Pinwheels spin for hours if you'd let me.

Courtesy of: The Ft. Worth Children's Museum

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Amber Connors said...

I love it! We visited our friend Tony at the firehouse on New Year's Day. Evan kept calling the ambulance a fire truck as well.

Mary said...

we really need to go there!! I keep hearing about it and I've never been. I think I'll start with only one of my kids at a time. Is that bad? :)

Mary said...

and HOW CUTE is your background?


Anonymous said...

So, for some reason, Internet Explorer won't show me your backgrounds! It works when I open it in Firefox...but not IE? Weird.